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1. These goods are in short supply.


2. This equation is far from being complicated.



1. It was as pleasant a day as I have ever spent.


2. It is easy to compress a gas.



1. She spoke in a high voice.


2. This engine develops a high torque.



1. a large brick conference hall


2. a plastic garden chair



1. You are ignorant of the duties you undertake in marrying.


2. Such criticisms have become familiar in his later commentaries on America.


3. He is truly sorry for his past, and he has undertaken to give up motorcars entirely and for ever.



1. I am going to be good and sweet and kind to every body.


2. He asked me for a full account of myself and family.


3. Another war will be the absolute end of our country.



How to Deal with a Changing Workplace: Worry Less, Prepare More


“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” President Franklin Roosevelt told the country in 1933. His message came amid the epic unemployment of the Great Depression, but the same fear over jobs is very much alive today.


More than 75% of U.S. households are anxious about job loss related to automation, artificial intelligence, and globalization, according to former U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Penny Pritzker. Speaking at Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech conference in Aspen, Colo., on last Monday, Pritzker said this fear is unhealthy and that the country has to do more to prepare Americans for a changing workplace.


“In the U.S., there’s a friction between education and being ready for work. We need to make it easier for people to get skills,” said Pritzker, who led a task force by the Council on Foreign Relations that recently issued a major report on the issue.


She added that the U.S. should emulate the likes of Germany and Switzerland, and boost the amount of practical apprenticeships available to Americans. Pritzker also stressed that American families need to see a career path from the tenth grade into a workplace in which robots and machine learning will have a bigger and bigger place.


This notion that the country must spend less time fearing automation, and more time preparing for it is shared by Bradley Tusk, who runs the venture capital firm Tusk Ventures. He cited the example of automated trucking, which will eliminate jobs but also give rise to new ones.

美国不应耗费过多的时间去恐惧自动化,而是应该投入更多的精力为现状做准备,这一观点也得到了布拉德利·塔斯克的首肯。布拉德利运营着风投资本公司Tusk Ventures。他列举了自动化卡车运输这个案例,虽然它导致了一些工作的消亡,但也催生出了一些新工作。

Pritzker and Tusk also identified immigration as another pain point in the U.S. workforce.


“If you look at the polling, and get the politics out of it, you see Americans want legal immigration to work well,” said Tusk, who says immigration is among many controversial topics on which most of the country agrees. The trouble, he added, is the current political system, in which activist primary voters hold sway, thwarts compromise and consensus.


Tusk said on stage at Brainstorm Tech on last Monday that the country needs a simpler voting system, in which citizens could cast ballots with their smartphones. He claimed this would increase voter participation and elect more politicians who would enact middle-of-the-road solutions on immigration and other issues.


Solving the immigration impasse may also be critical to the future health of the American workforce. According to Pritzker, immigration is driving growth in foreign cities like Toronto, while the U.S. is pursuing policies, including restrictions on spousal visas, that make it harder to attract talent.


“It’s crazy to say you get an H1-b visa but your spouse can’t work,” she said.


Both Pritzker and Tusk said, for now, the U.S. government may not be able to muster the political will to solve the hard questions over training and immigration. Instead, they said the best chance for reform may come from state and local politicians.



Inside the Pop-up Economy


In the dirge of news about retail failure, where once impregnable institutions like House of Fraser and Marks and Spencer are now husks of their former selves, the high street would seem to be in mortal danger. Right? Wrong, says Ross Bailey, a 26-year-old retail entrepreneur: “The problem is that most high-street stores are crap.”

零售企业纷纷倒下。曾经坚不可摧的House of Fraser和马莎百货(Marks and Spencer)如今都只剩下一具躯壳。挽歌唱响,高街零售业似乎走到了生死关头。难道不对吗?当然不对!在26岁的零售企业家罗斯·贝利(Ross Bailey)看来,“问题出在大多数高街百货商店品质堪忧。”

Lest we forget, 90 per cent of sales are still made in bricks-and-mortar buildings. But shorter leases, changing consumer loyalties and online stores have changed the way we shop. And traditional stores are increasingly being replaced by more short-term “pop-up” solutions.


“The death of the high street is grossly exaggerated,” Bailey continues. “It dies when it’s homogenous and uninteresting. When it’s done right, it’s a totally different story.”


In 2012, Bailey founded Appear Here, an online marketplace for short-term retail designed to disrupt the commercial space. Brands go to the website to search for a space, book a time slot and earmark a budget and then Appear Here connects them with a landlord.

2012年,贝利创建了零售商铺短租平台Appear Here,旨在颠覆商业地产市场。品牌可以通过该平台搜索场地,列出时间段和预算,而Appear Here则会为他们介绍房东。

If the brand and the landlord are a match, the deal goes ahead. Some shops pop up for only a week, others rent for years – either way, it’s a “pay as you go” business, where even the most powerful brands can test a new market without long-term commitment.


Today, Bailey oversees a network that includes 160,000 brands and 6,000 retail spaces, throughout London, Paris and New York, and represents every kind of business, from the tiniest market-stall artisans to the most powerful brands in the world, such as Apple, Nike and Louis Vuitton. And the shops just keep popping.


This week, Appear Here launches its next innovation, a six-part collection of modular furniture designed for short-term retail. The pieces can be rented by the week, come in three different finishes, and include everything the modern shopkeeper might need, from a hanging rail to a fitting room to a shelving unit and a cash desk.

日前,Appear Here推出了又一项创新:由6部分组成的模块家具。这套家具专门为短租零售而设计。家具可以按周租赁,有三种不同漆面,包括了现代商店可能用到的一切:从衣架、试衣间,到货架和收银台。

The collection was designed by Richard Found, whose day job is tending to the look of luxury commercial spaces. He describes the fixtures as “ego-less”, with a focus on “pure design”. All can be adapted to any environment and it’s sleek, simple – and idiot-proof.

这套家具由理查德·方德(Richard Found)设计,他的正业是为奢侈品牌设计门店。在他眼中,这些固定装置做到了“无我”,专注于“纯设计”。所有装置都能适应各种环境,造型流线,简洁,且易于安装。

The incentives for such a collaboration are many. First, it will scale the business, increasing Appear Here’s profile as a one-stop pop-up platform through which you can also staff and service your store. Second, it will offer even the humblest of retailers a little more luxury gloss.

合作设计这样一套家具是出于多项考虑。首先,这样能促进规模化运营,提升Appear Here作为一站式快闪平台的形象——人们可以通过该平台为商店雇人和购买服务。其次,这能为哪怕是最不起眼的零售商增添一丝高级感。

Both are feeling bullish about the future of the high street. But they insist it must adapt. “Your store doesn’t need to be in one place anymore,” says Bailey. “Before, if you didn’t have your store, your business was over because where would the person find you? Now you’ve always got a presence that exists.”


And he’s persuasive on the power of the pop-up as a marketing tool. “Digital direct-to-consumer brands are now paying so much for digital advertising.” With social-media reach and the right user-friendly experience, “one little shop can create something that builds a connection with millions of people that don’t even happen to walk past it. Experience is a currency that spreads.”


Bailey’s hope is that the pop-up will help make the high street “a place of discovery” once more. “Anyone can have a shop,” he says.

贝利希望,快闪模式能帮助高街零售商店再一次成为“充满发现之地”。 “人人都能开店。”

Some of his favourite anecdotes concern the more unusual enterprises he’s helped bring to life – like the parents who, in lieu of an iPad, bought their son a £600 birthday pop-up from which to launch his T-shirt brand for two weeks.



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